our little princess

Did You Tell Them…..

How many of you have taken the time to hug your children today?  Our world is on the very brink of global inihilization and so many are wrapped into themselves.  Should they be left without knowing how much you love and care about them. This certainly has to be one of my favorite photo’s of my youngest baby girl and who is our little princess.  The innocence in her eyes and the hope of her future so precious and pure.  All the while knowing what is going on in our world has me more than concerned for their future as it is looking bleak as our country hurls itself to the brink of World War III.  Many would say that we need to maintain a positive prospective in relationship to this, however, as you can see from our news website that there is a vast amount of energy and escalations that exists.

It seems to be a growing and dangerous trend between young people and parents as well.  Each individual with so much going on in their world that they fail to take time to exchange even the simplest of exchanges which should be a hug followed by three simple words… “I Love You!”

prayerWhat we have seen taking place in the past several years is a major push away from family and more toward individualism.  Is this merely an accident or is this by design.  We know that the Bible says that man’s love toward one another in the end days will grow cold.  However, we want to point out that this certainly should not be the case between a family and their precious children.  Of course, I want to bring to light that the same should also apply to young teens and their parents.  While you may grumble and groan about your parents being this or that, the one thing that we would hope you know is how much they truly love you.

There is no greater point in time than now that this should be c0nveyed in all directions.

What tomorrow holds in store for us may not permit us to exchange those simple words.  Each of us has been so caught up in the daily grind of life that we fail to realize the very basic things.  While it is certainly not too late, we can only encourage you to embrace one another and to prepare for what is coming just around the corner.

We don’t want to instill fear into each of you… that simply is not our job!  However, we do not want to mislead anyone into thinking that the world is ok and that this will just all go away and disappear.  My heart is heavy and I have had visions of this very day coming forth and I can literally hear the drums of war beating in my ears and feel it in my chest.  I urge each of you to embrace your family whether it be parents to children or in reverse.  Regardless, these are the times when family had truly pull together and know how to survive.

We want each of you to know that we love you all and that we are praying for you daily and for the very healing and restoration of your heart and soul and that you make peace with Jesus, your family and anyone to whom you think you have wronged.  Eternity is forever and we are sitting on the brink of it.  Don’t spend your eternity in Hell because of pride.  Your life depends on it!

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